Is there any chance of ovulating again after what seems to have occurred is pre ovarian shutdown, I'm
Is there any chance of ovulating again after what seems to have occurred is pre ovarian shutdown, I'm 34 years old and we have 3 children and we'd love to have more!!!!
If you have 34 years old, it´s rare to have a premature ovarian failure ( pre ovarian shutdown) .
If at some point, someone commented that you had a premature ovarian failure, it would have to perform some tests ( FSH, LH, Estradiol in blood) and a vaginal ultrasound. This test will tell us if your ovaries are functional or not. If you have regular menses, i is unlikely to have an ovarian failure.
You need to see a specialist, just to know more about your case.
If at some point, someone commented that you had a premature ovarian failure, it would have to perform some tests ( FSH, LH, Estradiol in blood) and a vaginal ultrasound. This test will tell us if your ovaries are functional or not. If you have regular menses, i is unlikely to have an ovarian failure.
You need to see a specialist, just to know more about your case.
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I am not sure of what pre ovarian shutdown means for you.
Then which one of the next will better answer your question. But for sure one will properly apply.
- If you mean, pre ovarian because there is a pituitary or hypothalamic disfunction (the failure is at the brain not at the ovary), the answer is yes, many times we can make the ovary to start working again.
- In the case of a premature ovarian failure (anticipated or premature menopause), it is not possible to help somebody to ovulate again. There is no treatment after the ovarian function ceased.
- If it is the case of a diminished ovarian reserve (low egg quantity) or poor responder, sometimes we succeed on making the ovary to give a few more eggs and the chance for pregnancy.
With the help of measuring FSH, AMH and Estradiol hormones at the lab plus a vaginal ultrasound, it will be easy to define wich Is the case.
Hope this will help
Then which one of the next will better answer your question. But for sure one will properly apply.
- If you mean, pre ovarian because there is a pituitary or hypothalamic disfunction (the failure is at the brain not at the ovary), the answer is yes, many times we can make the ovary to start working again.
- In the case of a premature ovarian failure (anticipated or premature menopause), it is not possible to help somebody to ovulate again. There is no treatment after the ovarian function ceased.
- If it is the case of a diminished ovarian reserve (low egg quantity) or poor responder, sometimes we succeed on making the ovary to give a few more eggs and the chance for pregnancy.
With the help of measuring FSH, AMH and Estradiol hormones at the lab plus a vaginal ultrasound, it will be easy to define wich Is the case.
Hope this will help
sure do not worry my suggestion is that you get in the hans of skilled experts in reproductive biology for by good medical history gynecological examination prompted lab work hormonal profiles and ultrasound can become pregnant soon. luck and good day
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