Hello, my two sons (9 and 5) has been diagnose with lung TB and they have been in treatment for 3 we

3 respuestas
Hello, my two sons (9 and 5) has been diagnose with lung TB and they have been in treatment for 3 weeks in Indonesia with free medicine from the government.
Now we have arrive in CDMX and will continue the treatment here for the next 5 months, my question is, will my sons can get free medicine for TB or is it not something common in CDMX to give free medicine for TB patient?
Hello, yes, in Mexico City can give you free medicine, you need to go to clinic ( IMSS or Secretaría de salud) for doing your record and they give you the free medicine.

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In Mexico it's possible to receive treatment and follow-up for TB, ask which health center is closest to your home and go to the epidemiology area to do a case study and start treatment. Greetings.
I am very sorry that your children have contracted the disease. Fortunately, the Secretary of Health does provide these medications for free. You need to demonstrate that they have a diagnosis of the disease at your health center and they begin the process for the administration of medications. I hope this information will be useful.


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María Fernanda González Lara



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Infectólogo, Internista


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