Sobre mí
with 40 years of experience.
+ Dr. Godínez Graduated from the Dental School of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, in 1985.
+ She served as the President of the Mexican Dental Association and managed the Social Services Commission for many years She was also the Co-creator ans Coordinator of the oral health program for preschoolers (free national and permanent program for children in the country) and continues to serve as an advisor to the program and the Mexican Dental Association since 2018.
+She from 2021 to 2024 and serves as a counselor for the International Dental Federation.
+ She has been a staunch advocate for professional guilds, proposing public policies, legal reforms, and initiatives world wide for the benefit of the dental profession.
Dr. Alma Godinez is a well-known dentist (dental specialist)
Work inspired Dr. Alma Godinez to seek additional training in aesthetic dentistry (also commonly known as cosmetic dentistry), dental prosthetics, and dental implantology through different diploma courses and residencies on topics in this specialty.
This specialized training and dedication is what has continued for 39 years as Dr. Alma Godinez has helped patients regain confidence and wide smiles.
Dr. Alma Godinez continues to train in technical innovations and dental technology that strengthens a beneficial perspective of private practice.
Principales áreas de tratamiento
+For 40 years, She has been reviewing, researching and addressing everything related to dental fluorosis in San Miguel de Allende, including national public policy initiatives and regulations on the use of FLUORIDE.
Otros servicios
*Porcelan Venners: Do you want whiter and straighter teeth? Porcelain veneers may be the solution you are looking for. Veneers improve your teeth so that you can smile with confidence. Dr. Alma Godinez and Dental team can help you decide if veneers are right for you.
*Repairing damaged or decayed teeth – A composite filling (tooth-colored) is used to repair a tooth affected by cavities, cracks, fractures, etc. after the tooth or cavity has been cleaned. As with most dental restorations, these composites are not permanent and may one day need to be replaced. Finally, they are non-invasive and durable and will last for many years, in the indicated cases, giving you a beautiful, long-lasting smile.
Enfocado en:
- Odontología General
- Odontología Estética
- Implantología
- Cirugía Oral
Carretera San Miguel de Allende a Celaya · 27, Celaya-Dolores Hidalgo No. 27, La Lejona, San Miguel de Allende
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Dr. Alma she has been my dentist since I was three years old, thanks to her I keep healthy and beautiful teeth, the doctors in her clinic are the best and most trained to take care of your mouth, only Dr. Alma's team takes care of my teeth and mouth.
Necesité una intervención rápida por un problema complicado. Desde la primera cita, la Dra. Godinez calmó todas mis preocupaciones y con mucho profesionalismo, eficacia y pericia, resolvió todos mis problemas con tiempo y cuidado, y ahora puedo sonreír libre y confiadamente
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