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Dr. Alberto Gamiño Casillas

Ginecólogo ver más

No. de cédula: 3181646 1694810

26 opiniones
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Director del Centro de Fertilidad del Noroeste desde 1998
Tratamiento de infertilidad y manejo del laboratorio de Reproducción Asistida

Miembro American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
Miembro Society for Reproductive Surgeons (SRS)
Afiliated Member  American Urological Society (AUA)
Miembro World Endometriosis Society (WES)
Miembro Endometriosis Foundation of America (Endofound)
Miembro Federación Mexicana de Ginecología y Obstetricia (FEMEGO)
Miembro Colegio Médico de Tijuana

Tratamiento laparoscópico de endometriosis severa y de dolor pélvico
Resección de endometriosis del útero, ovarios, pelvis, intestinal y de las vías urinarias
Manejo del dolor pélvico crónico
Cirugía histeroscópica
Infertilidad masculina
Tratamiento de la pérdida frecuente de embarazos y falla para implantación de embriones en tratamientos de Fertilización In Vitro e ICSI
Tratamiento de Infertilidad y pérdida de embarazos por falla inmunológica (rechazo fetal)
Microcirugía para reversión de salpingoclasia
Cirugía para infertilidad masculina
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Enfocado en:
  • Esterilidad y Reproducción Asistida
  • Infertilidad
  • Laparoscopia
  • Cirugía Reproductiva
  • Biología de la Reproducción Humana
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Consultorio privado
Diego Rivera 2386 Interior 504, Tijuana

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Servicios y precios

Primera visita Ginecología y Obstetricia

Cirugía de endometriosis pélvica

Microcirugía tubárica

Ultrasonido ginecológico

Tratamientos de Reproducción Asistida e Infertilidad

+1 servicio

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26 opiniones de pacientes

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Número de teléfono verificado
Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

Llegar a las manos del Dr Gamiño fue una bendición, el logro diagnosticar algo con lo que había sufrido toda mi vida que creía que era normal, cólicos severos… sin imaginar que eso me traería un problema de fertilidad, sus consultas siempre fueron detalladas, siempre fue muy específico con sus preguntas para lograr el correcto diagnóstico, nos hizo sentir total confianza en lo que hacía y sabía, es un doctor con una gran preparación, mi esposo y yo estamos eternamente agradecidos por que en la manera en la que trato mi padecimiento siempre fue muy humano, muy paciente…
A 1 año de mi cirugía, no más dolor, no más pastillas cada mes… Gracias Dr Gamiño toda mi familia, mi esposo y yo…. Siempre lo recordamos con mucho afecto y cariño, cambio mi vida !
Gracias por todo el apoyo que nos brindó !

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Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

El Doctor Camino solo puedo decir GRACIAS por que fue el único que me hizo caso a mis síntomas cuando sentía que no encontraba la salida, el confirmo endometriosis cuando todos los demás médicos me decían que todo era normal, vayan confiando en que van a recibir la mejor atención, podrán decir todo lo que quieran del Doctor, pero realmente sabe lo que hace, y por que te lo recomienda, no duden ponerse en sus manos y tener paciencia que lo bueno es difícil.
El hospital esta en muy buena ubicaciion .

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Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

Primero que nada hace casi 2 años mi esposo y yo fuimos por primera vez con el doctor Alberto gamiño, después de haber visitado varios médicos en California, ninguno nos pudo ayudar, decían que no tenía nada, y en la primera visita que tuvimos el doctor se tomó el tiempo para escucharnos y desde esa visita pudo detectar mis problemas, me diagnostico con ovario polisistico, endometriosis y uno de mis tubos esta doblado y el otro estirado, también tenia tiroides que hacia un poco más complicado que quedara embarazada,. Me puse en sus manos y siempre me hablo con la verdad, no me prometió nada, fue sincero y nos dijo que hiba hacer todo lo que estuviera en sus manos y con la ayuda de Dios se lograría, empezamos un tratamiento.... Me hizo una cirugía para corregir lo que tenia dañado, y después de un par de meses de la cirugía logre quedar EMBARAZADA después de 8 AÑOS de estar intentando, ya embarazada tuve problemas y casi pierdo a mi bebe. Pero una vez mas el dr gamiño estubo ahi para ayudarnos, con todo su conocimiento. Este inicio de año para ser exacta el 1 de enero nacio mi hermosa hija, que si no hubiera sido por el dr gamiño nunca hubiéramos podido ser padres, gracias doctor por todo lo que hace por sus pacientes, por ayudarnos y tratarnos como personas y por interesarse por la evolución de sus pacientes.

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Localización: Consultorio privado...ver más • Endometrectomía por histeroscopia ver menos

My surgery was cancelled 3 weeks prior to our scheduled date on 11/27/20.
My experience with Dr. Gamiño was stressful. He is a doctor who seems to hate when you ask questions. My recommendation for anyone who is to see him;

1. Make sure you are ready for his recommendations and financially stable. Have about $5000 dollars ready to go.

2. Don't piss him off and don't get your hopes up, he will cancel if you stress him out or he feels a negative vibe.

3. Make sure you write down all of your questions before you meet with him and pay close attention to what he is saying. Sometimes he contradicts himself but he wont admit he does so make sure you pay attention on remember everything he tells you.

4. He does not take credit cards! Don't ask him that also makes him upset. So have cash ready.

5. Don't ask him for disability forms to be filled out because he will not do that. He wants your PCP to do that work. I asked my doctor and she said she will not be liable for another doctors work.

6. He is not a doctor who shows any empathy or really based on his actions i dont think he really cares for his patients or if your parents or not, he is straight business.

7. If he ever leaves anything for you to sign at the lab department, make sure you count your money before you sign and read everything before you sing and get copies.

I saw him for the first time last year. Had some blood work and finally finished one of the test I needed in August 2020. I followed up with him and he said my one of my Fallopian tubes was closed and that the other one had shifted up far from the ovary and that my uterus was flipped.

His recommendation was surgery. 5 hours and 1 day in the hospital total bill $3800. We scheduled the date immediately 11/27/20. We dropped off the deposit asked for $2500. He left a letter for me with the surgery date and instructions in SPANISH! When he knows I live in LA. So I politely sent him an email telling him I needed a work letter in English not Spanish. He did generate the letter in English. This letter had the date of surgery and full blown instruction. Even the part to flush my anus. I submitted that to HR because as much as I told him I needed a letter with the surgery date and estimated time off for recovery. He insisted he couldn't provide that to me until after surgery.

Sure enough I got a message from my HR director asking for a letter that had only the surgery date and estimated time. I emailed Dr. Gamiño and asked him for this letter, I was very stressed out with him and my HR dept. I did say in my email "i don't know what to do, I lose the opportunity to be a mother or lose my job". He was so upset he called my boyfriend and cancelled the surgery just like that. He told my boyfriend he was not my assistant to be writing letters.

He is overwhelmed because he does not have a receptionist or anyone helping him. So he gets triggered easily. I was not asking for anything out of this world. It was a letter for work.

When we went to get our deposit back. The guy from the lab gave my bf the envelope and asked him to sign. Luckily my bf counted the money before signing and he was missing $500. My bf told him i am missing money and then the guy told him oh yes he left a separate envelope. That really makes me question these people and the doctor. Why separate the money and ask him to sign first. So shady, we are glad its over. I decided to see a doctor in LA. I dont want to go through something like this. Cost money, time, a roller coaster of emotions, stress and anxiety.

Is he a great doctor, i cant really say he is. Someone that acts like he did and handles someones life the way he did, is not for me. According to other peoples reviews he has done great work. My experience with him was terrible.

Número de teléfono verificado
Localización: Consultorio privado • Prime...ver másra visita Ginecología y Obstetricia ver menos

On the first appointment Dr Gamino performed an ultrasound and diagnosed me with endometriosis. He ordered me some lab work and an hysterosalpingography, I went back to see him on February 15th to go over the results and the treatment plan. He then told us that I needed a laparoscopy, and that after the laparoscopy more likely I was going to be able to conceive naturally or that I could start a treatment to stimulate the ovaries to produce more follicles to make it easier and faster for me to conceive.
The week after our appointment I called Mr Gamino to ask if he accepts credit card, he said YES, with an additional fee but stated that they prefer cash.
Due to the covid-19 we decided to wait a little longer hoping for it to get under control.
Last week I decided to call Mr Gamino to ask about the precautions they are taking with the covid-19 and he assured me that the clinic has adopted all the recommended precautions and assured me that it was safe for me to proceed with the surgery, we chose a date for the surgery and then told me to call him back the next day between 4-6pm to confirm the date and to "happily" answer all the questions I might have.
He called me and I confirmed the appt and asked him:
First question was if they are prepared for an emergency during the surgery - he said yes.
Second question was what kind of follow up is needed - two weeks after to go over what was done in the surgery, etc.
Third question was how soon I could have sex - he said that he would tell me after surgery.
Fourth question was, when was he going to give me the treatment to stimulate the ovaries - he started to get upset stating he wouldn't know until after the surgery, I apologized and told him that I was asking since he mentioned that on our appointment from 2/15/20.
Fifth question was if he was going to induce me menopause since both of my cousins that had the same problem and similar procedure had menopaused induced right after the surgery HE WENT OFF ON ME he started telling me that he was tired of repeating himself, that I wasn't understanding, that he had already told me about seven times that he wouldn't know anything until after the surgery, he told me to forget about the surgery and go somewhere else, he was cutting me off and wasn't letting me talk, he was just saying that I was putting a lot of pressure on him and he wasn't going to be able to go into the OR with all that pressure. By this point the way he was talking to me was very RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL, it took every ounce of me to not talking back at him or simply hanging up, I wanted the surgery, I want a baby, I didn't want to burn that bridge, so I apologized for asking him questions, I told him that since he said that he was going to be more than happy to answer all of my questions I went ahead and wrote a few down but that it was never my intention to get him upset or to disrespect him and I literally begged him to keep the schedule time for the surgery, he then continued telling me that he wasn't upset but that my questions were just repetitive and that it was going to be the same answer for all of them THAT HE DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING UNTIL AFTER THE SURGERY, he then said than in his "25 years of career" I was the very first person to ask when was I going to be cleared to have sex, that people don't ask those questions that usually people is more interested on their health and the good outcome of the surgery instead of asking about sex, by this point I just wanted him to stop talking, I was holding back my tears, I just confirmed the date for the surgery, then I just wanted to confirm one more time that he does takes credit cards, when I asked him he yelled at me, "NO, LIKE I TOLD YOU BEFORE, WE DON'T" I just didn't even bother telling him what he had really told me back then.
Going back to the very first appointment, when he performed that ultrasound, it was a little uncomfortable and a little embarrassing to have a "dr" that I had just met to perform a transvaginal ultrasound in that tiny office right next to his desk, so I closed my eyes to relax and he got upset stating that he needed me there not anywhere else, he told me that in a rude tone, I told in the USA I have had lots of abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds and they have never let me look at the screen, so I thought it was going to be the same with him. Then when he was moving the camera looking for one of the ovaries I kind of moved and he was upset stating that it doesn't hurt and that we should stop and for me to go somewhere else, that he wasn't hurting me, I apologized stating that it wasn't hurting that I couldn't help it to move and to please continue. Now when I think back to that day, that was a big red flag that I shouldn't have ignored, I regret staying.
Trusting someone to put you under general anesthesia and opening you up is a big thing, even if he claims that he has done it hundreds of times, is about trust and I just lost all the respect and trust on that Gamino guy.

Número de teléfono verificado
Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

En los Estados Unidos tuve varías consultas con doctores y nadien podía explicar el dolor que sufría. Sin embargo fui a Tijuana para consultar con el Doctor Gamiño y el tomo el tiempo para realmente entender mis síntomas y poder hacer los necesarios estudios. El Doctor me diagnóstico con endometriosis y me recomendó la cirugía. Yo no lo pensé dos veces porque sabía que estaba en buenas manos. La cirugía me cambio mi manera de vivir y estaré toda mi vida agradecida por el Doctor Gamiño por su tiempo, dedicación, y trabajo.

I have suffered years of excruciating pain with this an unknown reason. I have seen multiple doctors and have gone to urgent care but would be sent home with pain killers and no explanation. I finally decided to go to TJ and get a consultation with Dr Gamiño. The first consultation it took 2 hours, he was thorough and made sure I left with all my questions answered. I proceeded to do blood work and ultrasounds where he concluded that I had endometriosis. He recommended to do the laparoscopic surgery which I did and didn’t hesitate. I knew I was in good hands and the scaring was very minimal. I will forever be thankful for Dr Gamiño and his work.

Número de teléfono verificado
Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

Me and my parents are truly blessed to have found Dr.Gamiño. I was diagnosed of endometriosis since the age of 18 and was clearly advised there was no cure, not even an explanation on how it started. 5 years ago I undergone surgery but it came back and it kicked back stronger with extreme bleeding. Due to fear of another surgery, I focused on natural remedies at the same time met with 4 different specialists. But, not until Dr. Gamiño was introduced to me by the last Gynecologist, when i gained the confidence on doing the surgery. My first consultation with him i recall how detailed and patient he was and dedicated 3 hours explaining to me the aspects of my condition and he made sure I understood what was happening to my body. He knew I was filled with fear but he was more than patient with me and literally was very gentle along the process. Dr. Gamiño spent 6 hours during the surgery to make sure everything was properly done. I'm truly blessed to have found an endometriosis expert in Tijuana and I'm confident I'm in good hands. A doctor who truly cares about his patients! Me and my parents are inspired and clearly nobody has to suffer pains or extreme bleedings because there is hope! My journey to healing with Dr. Gamiño has just started and with God's guidance and power we are truly blessed! Thank you Dr.Gamiño.

Localización: Consultorio privado

Mi esposo y yo estamos muy agradecidos con el Dr Gamiño gracias a el tenemos a nuestro niño. Excelente atención la recuperación de la cirugía no fue para nada dolorosa, mi padecimiento fue endometriosis, que me ocasionaba infertilidad, 7 meses después de la cirugía quedamos embarazados, y nos guío para tener un embarazo sano, ahora agradezco y me doy cuenta de todos esos consejos tan importantes, mi bebe es un bebe sano. No tenemos palabras para agradecerle Dr.

Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

Durante nueve años, mi esposo y yo hemos estado tratando de embarazarnos sin la ayuda de médicos y sin suerte alguna. Sabíamos que teníamos que buscar la ayuda de un médico de fertilidad. Hice mi investigación y me encontré con el Dr. Alberto Gamino Casillas. Leí todas las críticas positivas y buenas e hice una cita para consultar con él. Fue muy educado conmigo y con mi esposo y muy detallado al explicar cuáles deberían ser mis próximos pasos para llegar a la fuente de mi infertilidad. Bien después de la prueba de sangre, la prueba de histerosalpingografía me diagnosticaron endometriosis, por lo que la cirugía de histeroscopia por laparoscopia fue nuestro siguiente paso. Bueno, después de una cirugía exitosa, pudo limpiar mis dos ovarios y deshacerse del tejido cicatricial en mi revestimiento uterino, y eliminó (quemó) lo máximo que pudo del tejido cicatrizado de la endometriosis. Tengo 25 días después de mi cirugía y me siento muy bien. Tenía muy poco dolor y mis cicatrices casi no se notan, he visto a otros médicos pacientes en los EE. UU. Cómo se recuperó y tuvieron puntos sangrientos y mucho dolor durante la recuperación. Diré que fui bendecido con mi médico (Dr. Alberto Gamino Casillas) porque solo tenía unos pocos puntos que estaban muy limpios. Ahora estoy tomando medicamentos para aumentar mis hormonas y ayudarnos a quedar embarazadas. Es un proceso paso a paso que ha merecido la pena, perdí la esperanza hasta que nos encontramos con nuestro médico. Si usted está en busca de un buen médico de fertilidad, el Dr. Alberto Gamino Casillas es el médico para usted, él pone mucho esfuerzo en ayudarlo y no solo está interesado en su dinero sino que también está bien enfocado en sus necesidades de salud. Además, no espere años para buscar ayuda, su bebé lo está esperando y con la ayuda de Dios y el Dr. Alberto Gamino Casillas puede suceder.
Gracias, Dr. Alberto Gamino Casillas por todo lo que ha hecho por nosotros y por todo lo que sigue haciendo es un Excelente Doctor y una persona muy humilde. Ahora estamos en el camino correcto y el viaje para esperar a nuestro pequeño bebé milagroso.

Localización: Consultorio privado • Cirugía ...ver másde endometriosis pélvica ver menos

Agradezco al Dr. Gamiño por todas sus atenciones y profesionalismo. Un doctor muy paciente para explicar el problema que yo tenía, endometriosis. Fui sometida a cirugía y sin mayor complicación y con una recuperción éxitosa obviamente esto no hubiera sido posible sin usted doctor. Gracias por todo!

Se ha producido un error, inténtalo de nuevo.

Dudas solucionadas

274 dudas solucionadas a pacientes en Doctoralia

Duda sobre Tratamientos de Reproducción Asistida e Infertilidad

Tengo problemas de fertilidad y 39 años. Aun se puede lograr un embarazo?

Los especialistas en infertilidad tenemos muchas pacientes de 39 años que han tenido éxito, así que acudan por la opinión de un (a) especialista en Biología de la reproducción y échenle much...ver más
as ganas.
Mucha suerte ver menos

Dr. Alberto Gamiño Casillas

Duda sobre Embarazo

Que significa prueba de cotte positiva con difusión libre de escaso material de contraste hacia la cavidad pelviperitoneal? Me afecta mucho para no poder embarazarme

Cotte positivo, significa trompas de Falopio destapadas,
¨escaso¨ material de contraste puede ser normal o indicar sub obstrucción.
Ejemplo, al requerir más liquido y presión de lo habitual para q...ver más
ue permeabilizen las trompas.
Para hablar de trompas destapadas que no son causa de infertilidad, se debe evaluar:
- La cantidad de líquido requerido para permeabilizar hasta el peritoneo.
- Si se deformó el útero por la presión ejercida para pasar el líquido al final de los tubos. Este se deforma cuando hacemos mucha presión para vencer dificultades del paso por las trompas.
- Que relación de posición tienen útero y trompas con las fosas ováricas.
En tus placas de rayos X, más que el papel con el resultado, se podrá observar todo esto.
Evaluar infertilidad requiere más que unas buenas trompas funcionando, solicita que evalúen de manera detallada tu fertilidad y la de tu pareja.
Acude con tu médico(a) de infertilidad.

Saludos. ver menos

Dr. Alberto Gamiño Casillas
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